Karneval ist vorbei!

Tja, ehm …. es gab ja jetzt schon länger keine neuen Beiträge hier … aber ich war ja auch krank! (Und das ganz ohne Karneval gefeiert zu haben).

Legal Fundraiser

Apnea (das ist die junge Dame oben) hat damit übrigens nix zu tun, aber irgendwas musste ich ja mal schreiben, um die Jecken vom ersten (Blog-)Platz zu schubsen.

Ärger hat sie allerdings augenscheinlich am Hals — was wohl der Grund dafür ist, dass sie Fotos von sich verkauft (und damit Geld für ihren Anwalt sammelt). Im Internet!

Was ihr so alles widerfahren ist, kann man dort auch nachlesen. Ich weiss es nicht. Echt nicht. Ich hab’ nur nach ein paar News gesucht.

Holy fashion

Holy Fashion

Yet another idea I totally envy: A holy fashion thread (did I hear you yell “BLASPHEMY!!” … ? … *evilgrin*). Actually there are two threads now (part one and part two) and some of the ideas are quite inspiring.

I still favour the ‘opening picture’ (small thumbnail on the right). Compared to others from the thread this work is actually quite ‘young’ (it was done by Clovis Trouille in 1944) but I can well image how our beloved religious fundamentalists reacted upon it back then. 😉

Anyway, like I said — besides some average pics the galleries feature some pretty nice and exotic works!

Dita goes kitchen!

Rasterbated Dita (thumb)

Done! A friend* had this Dita von Teese picture printed on some professional heavy duty plastic mesh stuff for us and it took us roughly three month to get her up there.

The picture itself is cropped out of some other (not even high resolution) Dita picture, I did that just for fun while playing around with the Rasterbator (a software to create huge, rasterized images from any picture) and we ended up taking the very first version for the final print.

First we had to figure out how to best attach this beauty to our kitchen wall: we finally decided to build a wooden frame (3m by 1.5m!!) with three vertical bars, cover this frame with 8mm chipboard (that’s not as thick as it sounds by far!) and paint it white. Arrange the picture. Staple gun. Attach to wall. Done.

Well, almost. It was quite an effort to get everything crinkle-free but it worked out very nicely. Just look at the sheer size, I left the door and the table so you get an idea of the scales.

Now there she is, giant size Dita on our kitchen wall (here is a high-resolution version of the picture above) 😉

* Update: ‘a friend’ complained about not being mentioned personally. So here goes the privacy: Specials thanks go to Felizitas ‘Fee’ for the professional print! Fee: and now I want your comment below 😉

Wedding gag?

Bride and Bridesmaids in bondage (bound and gagged)

Just another boring wedding.

And quite frankly (that’s me being something like an ‘other people’s weddings & baptisms veteran‘): Most of the times people don’t really have to say anything to each other anyway ….

Too bad this is the only picture from that wedding …

Update:  Good news! These are NOT the only pictures from that wedding!  Check out Max Wellton’s comment below and see the rest of the wedding here.

Thanks for this update, Max!