Zoom the quilt

Screenshot from 'Supercoolpic'Art on the internet often is a mere reproduction of offline art (pictures, videos, audio and combinations thereof) — that is different with this (mildly) interactive project by Nikolas Baumgarten, a young german graphics design student.

His homepage is a nightmare but with “Zoomquilt” he created a rather unique piece of art. While the idea itself is not new at all (I even vaguely remember having seen somthing similar before) this one is very nicely done.

According to his homepage the work is to be found at www.zoomquilt.org but there seem to be technical problems with the links on this page.

Have a look at it eBaum’s World instead. Although we hate eBaum’s World. But this is gonna cost their bandwidth, so I guess it’s ok. Just don’t click anything else.

2 thoughts to “Zoom the quilt”

  1. Great, great, great! This makes me VERY happy indeed, because I saw exactly this like, a year or so ago on the Net, and then I lost the URL, and here it is again. Loved it back then, love it now. Thx!

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