Invidia et Acedia

Suzanne with Armadillo

When I referred to the forum threads on Suzanne’s site as “another idea I totally envy” that was supposed to be my only daily sin.

I really should have taken the time to look around. Sparked by her comment I went back and found an extensive site, packed with beautifully grotesque stuff.

You might get comparable results if you had an extremely skilled and completely psychopathic bunch of scientiest blend William Hogarth, Oscar Wilde and Marilyn Manson, but for starters: Here’s her site 😉

Holy fashion

Holy Fashion

Yet another idea I totally envy: A holy fashion thread (did I hear you yell “BLASPHEMY!!” … ? … *evilgrin*). Actually there are two threads now (part one and part two) and some of the ideas are quite inspiring.

I still favour the ‘opening picture’ (small thumbnail on the right). Compared to others from the thread this work is actually quite ‘young’ (it was done by Clovis Trouille in 1944) but I can well image how our beloved religious fundamentalists reacted upon it back then. 😉

Anyway, like I said — besides some average pics the galleries feature some pretty nice and exotic works!